Also the bible is just the most popular work of fiction ever. Nothing in it is anything but the rants of crazy people like you. They aren’t the words of God. You are just a sucker

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And you “warning” me that I will be damned makes me laugh. Not worried about it at all

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It is comical and scary how delusional you are. Jesus was just another dude. No more no less

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And you proved absolutely nothing. You proved that you are hopelessly foolish. There is zero scientific evidence of anything you cite and darwins theory of evolution is far more respected scientifically than you collection of fairy tales inspired by a pretend man in the sky. It is hilarious that you think those videos do anything but make you look foolish

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Wow, Stan, what has happened in your life that your heart is so hard against God? He loves you so much that He left Heaven and came to Earth in the body of Jesus Christ and Died for Your Sins on the Cross in order to Save you, and Jesus rose from the Dead to grant you Eternal Life with Him Forever; and you still deny Him? What are you going to do about Psalm 22, written 1,000 years before Jesus which foretells His Crucifixion in extreme detail; or Isaiah 53, which also foretells Messiah's sufferings and Substitutionary Death for our Sins 750 years before Jesus came; and Micah 5:2 that foretells Messiah will be born in Bethlehem; and the dozens of other Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus?

You call me foolish; but Stan, the Bible speaks of you:

Psalms 14:1-7(KJV)

1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the LORD.

5 There were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous.

6 Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor, because the LORD is his refuge.

7 Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

Repent and Believe in Jesus Christ and You shall be Saved, Believe Not in Lord Jesus and you shall be Damned.

I'm not "threatening" you Stan, but lovingly telling you the Truth. Read the Gospel of John Chapter 3, no, rather read the whole Gospel of John.

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Religion is responsible for more death than any other issue in human history. It is nothing but a control device. Not to mention that it is completely ridiculous to think anything you are saying is factual. If there is a God I think you have far more to worry about than I do.

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And i never will

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There is no such thing as truth in the bible. It is a work of fiction from the perspective of people from that time. That’s all it is. Separation of church and state is as important a founding principle as any. I believe in religious freedom and for you to believe whatever it is you want but your faith does not belong in any public institution.

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O Contrary, my friend, The Holy Bible is a collection of 66 Books Inspired by God

2 Timothy 3:15-17 (KJV)

15And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

And written over a period of 1,600 years in 3 differenct languages on 3 different continents through some 40 “Holy Men of God who spake as they were Moved by the Holy Ghost”

2 Peter 1:20-21 (KJV) see also verses 16-19

20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

And All 66 Books Agree with one another on the History, Science, Prophecy & Theology recorded in the 66 Books; And of which the Lord Jesus Christ who is The Word of God Made Flesh (Read John 1:1-14) Testifys to The Holy bible as the “Truth” John 17:17 “Father, sanctify them by Thy Truth, Thy Word is Truth!”

It’s obvious Stanley that you’ve never read the Bible; nor have you yet bowed your knee in surrender to the Crucified-for-Sins & Risen From The Dead Lord & Only Savior From the Eternal Fires of Hell—the Just Punishment for our Sins—Jesus Christ; or you would know the Bible is Truth and would Love God’s Holy Word!

Obviously, Stanley, the god/creator/religion you believe in is Evolution, which you have no problem with being taught in Public Schools under the false guise of Science. Let me briefly Scientifically PROVE to you the Bible is Truth & Divinely Inspired by God and that your religion of Evolution is a Lie, a Fairytale:

Let us, therefore, conduct a Scientific Experiment—that which is Observable, Testable & Repeatable—to see which religion, yours or mine, is the Truth:

You believe that Everything came from Nothing (Scientifically Impossible, But Possible when performed by a Supernatural God Creator) and you believe that “Life” came from non-living matter, also impossible as stated by the Law of Biogenesis that All Living Organisms come from a Pre-Existing Biological Organism of the same kind;” and you believe that Every Biological Organism “Evolved” from a prior biological organism of a different Kind. In case you’re confused as to what a “Kind” means, any biological organisms that can mate and produce offspring are the same “Kind.” For example, you can breed a Labrador with a Poodle and get a Labradoodle, but all 3 are of the dog/canine Kind. That’s Not Evolution, but Speciation and Adaptation within the same Kind.

But, contrary to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, from the very First Chapter of The Holy Bible, Genesis 1, the Bible records the Historical Event of the Creation of Everything and states that when God/Pre-Incarnate Jesus, Created All Biological Organisms on Planet Earth over a period of 6-Days about 6,000-years ago, that God Created every Plant, Sea Creature, Bird, Land Animal & Finally Mankind separate from All Animals and in His own Image, that God Created each “Kind” to Reproduce “After their/his Kind” that phrase repeating 11-Times, in the 1st Chapter of The Holy Bible!

Stanly, which religion is Truth? Which religion is Observable, Testable & Repeatable? If you or Any Ph.D. Scientist can show me just One Example of Any “Kind” of Plant, Sea Creature, Bird, Land Animal or Man that has Ever changed into a Differenct Kind, then I will throw my Bible in the Trash! But. Stanly, you Can’t!

And don’t give me that stupid “Darwin’s Finches had different shaped beaks” answer—that’s Adaptation and Speciation within the Kind, and happens all the time and in fact we have now learned through our further understanding of DNA, a field called Epigenetics, that All Those Variations are pre-programmed by Creation’s Intelligent Designer Creator God into the DNA; the burds are still Finches, that’s Not Darwinian Evolution, who proposed a preposterous theory that Every Kind changed into and from a pre-existing Different Kind; which has Never been Observed in living organisms nor in any of the Billions of Fossils found buried alive suddenly in layers of Sedimentary Rock (once wet sand/mud now hardened) which were laid down about 4,500 years ago by God’s Global Judgment Flood of Noah’s Day, including All Dinosaurs (Read Genesis 6—9). Did you know Stanley, that secular scientists, not Christians, have found Dinosaur Bones, Not Fossilized remains, but fresh Dinosaur bones containing soft tissue and even red blood cells, Proving those Dinosaurs were suddenly buried Alive, along with Sea Creatures, just a few thousand years ago, all over the face of the Earth, just like the Bible records in Gen. 6-9!

So, to recap, there is Zero Scientific Evidence to support Darwin’s dumb theory of Evolution vs. All Scientific Evidence Proves the Biblical Creation of Kinds Reproducing according to their Kinds to be the Truth! And that the Biblical Global Judgment Flood of Noah’s Day as the cause of the demise of Dinosaurs and which created the miles deep of Sedimentary Rock Layers All over The Earth, full of the remains of Billions of Sea Creatures, Birds, Land Animals & Man All Buried Alive Together Suddenly in a Global Flood is the Truth!

There you go, Stanley, I just Scientifically PROVED your religion of Evolution is a Lie and that The Holy Bible is Truth!

But I don’t want to just win an argument; rather, I pray you will read the Bible for yourself and I pray come to a place of Repentance for your Sins and Faith in the Only Savior of Mankind the God-Man Jesus Christ. Your choice whether to Believe In or Not Believe in Lord Jesus Christ shall Determine Your Eternal Destiny in either Heaven or Hell.

In addition to reading God’s Word yourself, I encourage you to also download the free phone App GenesisApologetics, which has a plethora of videos on this subject.

Lastly, Here is a fun video that may help you:

Four Top Professors Can’t Prove Evolution – Evolution vs. God Movie – Ray Comfort (34:51): https://youtu.be/uc_W9VtzJ0A

God bless you, Stanly, in your search for Truth, in our Lord Jesus Name!

Pastor Jim Alderdice

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